Parasitology Courses

The lab will be closed for Courses from

11th to 20th March 2025.

Introductory, Advanced and Refresher Parasite Identification Courses

Join the hundreds of alpaca and llama keepers/breeders who have attended the Introduction to Parasitology Course and can now effectively collect and analyse samples, quickly, on their own farms.

Click here to contact Sue to book your Course for 2025

What’s special about these Courses

As a graduate Science teacher, Sue is passionate about successful outcomes in the laboratory. Many people are put off science from an early age, not because they can’t do it but because the learning wan’t tailored to their needs.

Laboratory skills

Sue has developed a laboratory teaching method known as ‘TRINOCULAR ANALYSIS’. This is an essential tool to master parasitology techniques in a short time.

Let me explain… Trinocular microscopes are state-of-the-art tools that allow you to transmit, via a camera connected to the microscope, images of the parasites on screens in very high definition. So when you are working with Sue in the lab, she becomes your second pair of eyes. This allows you to master an efficient microscope technique, parasite identification is confirmed and Sue has the opportunity to improve your technique and ensure achievement of precise identification and calculation of parasite burden.

When you get home

When you return to your own farm you do NOT need a trinocular microscope, in fact a basic microscope will suffice. Once you understand the identification principles of the main parasitic gut species, you can work with fairly simple equipment.

Taking the Course step by step, you will leave with new found skills, confidence and a smile.

Take a look at a few of the many alpaca & farm animal owners, veterinary nurses and vets who have attended my practical, parasitology courses over the last 15 years!

If you would like to book a training day with Sue, just get in touch!

If you would like to reserve a day in the lab contact Sue today by clicking the link below

Current Courses

Introduction to Parasitology

Advanced Parasitology

Refresher Parasitology Course

Parasitology at your location (demonstrations and short Course at your alpaca group venue (contact Sue for details)

Introduction to Parasitology Course is open to all, giving you all of the knowledge and skills required to conduct your own ‘on-farm’ alpaca and llama faecal analysis.

Advanced Parasitology Course builds upon the Introductory Course increasing your knowledge of physiology, tests, parasite morphometrics and much more.

For more details or to book your lab day, contact Sue at


A complete introduction to parasitology with particular reference to the internal gut parasites infesting alpacas and llamas. Fully equipped laboratory - available for 1 to 3 people. Lots to learn to benefit you and your herd, and it’s fun.

Take a look at what course attendees have said in these TESTIMONIALS.

What’s covered on the course?

1.     Why we test faecal samples and what we can learn to improve herd health & husbandry.

2.     The gastro intestinal parasites of alpacas. (This covers worms, fluke and coccidia).

3.     Types of test available, Direct Smear, Modified McMaster Test, Modified Stolls.

4.     Making flotation solutions, the science and the practical.

5.     Testing procedure - with full notes so you can repeat in your own setting 

6.     Identification of parasites. Using a key. A qualitative approach.

7.     How good or bad is the result, an understanding of ‘eggs per gram’results and what that means in terms of treatment.

8.     Treatment options.

9.     Examining samples from your herd.

10.  Benchmarking your herd – what this means and how it helps to inform husbandry and breeding decisions.

11.  Booklist.

12.  Equipment list – a complete detailed ‘shopping list’ so you can replicate your new skills in your own farm/home setting.

What you need to know...

No previous scientific knowledge is necessary. Dozens of alpacas owners from the UK and Europe have attended the introductory course, at the end of which they are successfully able to quickly perform tests on their own farm. All equipment for the course is provided.


Building on your parasitology knowledge with particular reference to the internal gut parasites infesting alpacas and llamas. Fully equipped laboratory - available for 1 to 3 people. Lots to learn to benefit you and your herd, and it’s fun.

What’s covered on the course?

1.     Alpaca / llama anatomy & physiology of the gut.

2.    The gut microbiome.

3.    Three tests to detect gut parasites. Comparing the tests for parasite detection, sensitivity, cost and speed.

4.     Modified Stoll’s Test, what it does, what you need and a practical protocol.

5.    Testing your samples using the double centrifugation test.

6.     Histology, looking at a variety parasites in the infective setting.

7.     Histology, when is a ‘parasite’ not a parasite.

8.     You’ve found worm eggs -

make a conclusive species identification by identification of the worm, using a sample from your own herd.

9.     All about anthelmintics

10. Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) to assess the effectiveness of your treatment.

11. Key take home messages and your Questions

12.  Equipment list – a complete detailed ‘shopping list’ so you can replicate your new skills in your own farm/home setting.

What you need to know...

I ask that you have attended the Introductory Course before booking the Advanced Course unless you have special circumstances (email to discuss). All equipment for the course is provided, just bring along 6 faecal samples from your herd - not from recently wormed animals!